"I'm not entirely sure why I stripped. I don't think it was so much a reason for doing it as it was being myself. That doesn't mean I'm a stripper. I am just saying that I am the type of person who, when given the chance to be entertaining, will. I took my clothes off in front of several people more or less for the hell of it. [My friend]'s dad laughed at my butt hair; [one friend] laughed at my pubic hair; [one of my girl friends] laughed at my penis... or at the fact that she saw it the first day we met. But it was ok. I just enjoyed it. I know you're not here for advice, but I think you should take your clothes off and have nude pictures of yourself put on the internet too!"
I'm glad to be seeing a decent amount of men modeling for you. I've found that there are a lot of sites that deal with women's body issues, true beauty and such. Much fewer out here for men. And I can say, as many men are worrying about not matching the media images as are women. (And, sadly, it seems kids are being more and more affected.) T__T